Health & Sexuality Archives: Sex Drive
This Months Special: Valentines Day Free Shipping
This month we are running a special for Valentines Day! Enter the word “FREE” during your checkout to receive free shipping for orders over $35. Be sure to take advantage of this offer and check out our Dragonfly line of creams, oils and beauty balms. Take a look at a few facts you may not […]
Sex Drive Differences in Long-Term Committed Relationships
It’s quite common for couples in long-term committed relationships to find themselves at a point where one partner wants sex more, or less, than another, often referred to as differences in sex drive. There may be many reasons for discrepancies in sex drive and finding a way through the situation often means opening up discussion […]
What is Sex Drive?
What is Sex Drive? By: Corey Silverberg Guide Definition: The term sex drive was first widely adopted following the introduction of the concept by Sigmund Freud in his writings about sexuality and personality development. Freud used the term sex drive as well as the more specific term libido to refer to what he initially conceived […]