Author Archives: corey
Sex Drive Differences in Long-Term Committed Relationships
It’s quite common for couples in long-term committed relationships to find themselves at a point where one partner wants sex more, or less, than another, often referred to as differences in sex drive. There may be many reasons for discrepancies in sex drive and finding a way through the situation often means opening up discussion […]
Diabetes & Erectile Dysfunction
Via: What is Erectile Dysfunction? Some men with diabetes have impotence, also called erectile dysfunction or ED. ED is when a man can no longer have or keep an erection. What Causes ED? Over time, blood vessels and nerves in the penis can become damaged. ED can also be caused by other conditions, such […]
What is Sex Drive?
What is Sex Drive? By: Corey Silverberg Guide Definition: The term sex drive was first widely adopted following the introduction of the concept by Sigmund Freud in his writings about sexuality and personality development. Freud used the term sex drive as well as the more specific term libido to refer to what he initially conceived […]
FAQ: Vacuum Therapy
How do I know if I have Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
If you are unable to attain or maintain an erection suitable for intercourse, you could have some form of Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
If I have tried injection therapy or Viagra and they didn’t work, will Vacuum Therapy work for me?
Yes! Vacuum Therapy can work for you. Several medical studies have shown that Vacuum Therapy is a success for over 90% of men with Erectile Dysfunction and will produce an erection sufficient for intercourse.
9 things that can undermine your vitamin D level
Copyright © 2011 by Harvard University. According to 2011 National Center for Health Data statistics, almost one in three Americans has vitamin D blood levels below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml), the threshold that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) says is needed for good bone health. Some experts say even higher levels are needed. Figuring […]
Study confirms safety, cancer-targeting ability of nutrient in broccoli
Originally posted by The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University Sulforaphane, one of the primary phytochemicals in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables that helps them prevent cancer, has been shown for the first time to selectively target and kill cancer cells while leaving normal prostate cells healthy and unaffected. The findings, made by scientists […]
Vitamin C Is Vital for Vision
OHSU scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye — and the brain In a surprising finding, vitamin C is found to prolong proper functioning of retinal cells Portland, Ore. — Nerve cells in the eye require vitamin C in order to function properly — a surprising discovery that may mean vitamin C […]